HEMOSOFT IT & Training Services Inc. - Nutrient Management in Dairy Cattle Farming

Group HOLY COW: Sevil Çalışkan, Elif Nazlıgül Çınaroğlu, Ahmet Hakan Depe, Nazlı Dolu, Umur Hastürk

Hemosoft is an R&D company which designs software and integrated electronic systems, providing project development and consultancy services. Under their mission of increasing the quality of life in Turkey, Hemosoft have been realized the fact that the feed mix prepared for livestock is one of the most significant factors which affect the cost of farms, productivity, animal health and welfare. In this context, aim of the project is to develop an adequate multi-period feed-mix and procurement plans with respect to different needs of medium/large sized farms in terms of nutritional requirement, budget and stocking.