Material Standardization

Group: Serap Enes, Yunus Akgün, Melih Görücü, Yunus Şahin, Şeref Turgut

Vestel was founded and started operation in 1984. The company joined the Zorlu Group in 1994, and since then it has continuously been increasing its production capacity, export activity, and market share.Vestel Group is comprised of 24 companies operating in manufacturing, software and technology development, marketing, and distribution fields in the consumer electronics, household appliances, mobile technologies, LED lighting, and defense industries.Vestel accounts for 90% of the total TV and 30% of the white goods exports in Turkey. The materials used in Vestel Electronic Factory vary in terms of qualiyu, cost, new and alternative designs, customer demand etc. In the current situation, standardization of materials provides convenience about management of materials. However, it can be more costly because of changing materials’ quality to better ones in order to group them together. As a consequence, a tradeoff arises between variety of materials and material standardization. In our project, we aim to analyze this standardization process in the system while considering the tradeoff and randomness of demand.