Arcelik Inc. Dishwasher Plant – Paintshop Scheduling, Storage of Painted Parts and Transfer to Assembly Lines

Group Born to Dye: Batuhan Çelik, Ece Dilek, Asya Dipkaya, Melike Durduran, Fatih Şengül

Arçelik Dishwasher Plant was established in Ankara and produces all Arçelik dishwashers for domestic and foreign markets. In the current system, assembly line stoppages and high production and inventory cost of painted parts are the main problem symptoms, which cause the inability of meeting the assembly lines’ painted part demand at the right time and quantity. In the project, the aim is to develop more efficient paintshop production plan, storage and transfer system, which decrease the painted parts’ production and inventory costs, while meeting the assembly lines’ demand to prevent line stoppages.We developed a mathematical model for lot sizing, a heuristics for storage and transfer system and investment scenarios, which are tested on simulation. Finally, a solution, which provides smooth flow between systems and cost efficiency, is obtained and suggested with an implementation.